Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Believe

I know, maybe its silly of me........BUT.......

I believe that one day even the media will see us alll as equal.  I believe that one day movies of romance won't be depicted as "chick flicks" because men will want to watch them to see how a woman really wants to be treated.  I also believe that one day movies with lots of action and killing and fighting, wont just be looked at as "men" movies, because women will also want to watch what will make their "man" happy.

I believe that one day we will all be looked at as equal.  I believe that one day......There wont be a "glass ceiling" and women wont get paid less then men just because they are women.

I believe that one day you will turn on the TV and see a woman that is not a size 1 stairing you in the face.  I believe you will also see a man that is not complete muscles from the neck down.  I will admit all of this is probably wonderful for people to look at but, how much of it is reality? 

I believe that people with any type of disability and people of any kind of race will be looked at as equal, and that they will hold "equal" roles be it in televison, radio, whatever.... I believe "we" as a people can do and be so much better.......I believe.....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!!! I too hope and believe that one day we will all, not only be seen as equal, but accepted the way we are. I agree that it is sad that we are all judged constantly. It boggles my mind that people are judged and disliked by the color of the skin or what they look like. The world needs to check itself before it wrecks itself.
