Friday, June 3, 2011

Facebook "friends"

I am a facebook user.  I personally LOVE facebook.  It keeps me in contact with so many people.  I speak to friends and loved ones all the time.  It is wonderful that I am able to keep in contact with family I have in Florida and California, or overseas.  The problem I have with facebook is the constant need for everyone to tell everyone else EVERYTHING they are doing.

We live in a world where there is so much violence, hurt, ect.  I just cannot see for the life of me why people choose to put their entire life on facebook.  Now, I know that many people may say that it shouldnt matter what they put on facebook because everyone on their page is their friend, and so on and so forth.  Here is my question.  How many of the "friends" on your page are you really "friends" with?

I see people out there with 3,000 and 4,000 friends.  Is that really possible?  Do you really know and trust 3,000 people enough to give them information like where you are, what you are doing, and what time you will be home?  I just do not find that possible.  I find nothing wrong with having that many people on your page and openly admitting to not even knowing half of them, or not putting personal stuff on the page because you dont know them but, then again, why have them as friends then?  For instance, there are people I purposely dont add because I dont want to go through the process of blocking them from certain things, or all things.  If I have to block you from things, I either dont know you enough to want you to know, or I just dont know you.  Therefor, I dont need you on my page.  Maybe its because I have children and am a bit older then my nieces and nephews who have a trillion friends on their pages, I dont know.  But to me, there is no possible way anyone can be friends with that many people.

1 comment:

  1. some of my friends have 800+ friends on facebook and I can't imagine having that many people whose life I would like to keep up with. I just don't know how you'd keep them all straight and have to wonder if they're adding them for quantitative reasons rather than qualitative. I guess it's not my place to make a judgment call, but I have a very modest number of people on my facebook friends list and even with some of them I wonder why I have them on my list as I just don't care what's going on with them. (most of those people are high school people who I don't care to know any longer but when they friend requested me I said ok so I could look at their profile...)
