Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Media and the "Good" VS "BAD"

How often are we watching the news on television and seeing something positive?  Yes, it is important for people to hear about all of the tragedy and negativity in the world, however am I the only one out there that doesnt really want to turn on the news because I know nothing good or happy is going to be displayed.  Don't get me wrong, I know that there is plenty of hurt, devastation, hunger, murder, I could go on for days in the world, but I guess Id like to see a little more of what good happens in the world as well.  Ill take a little more miracle babies being born, and people surviving dangerous crashes or awful diseases.  Ill take more students getting into and graduating from college, more people saving instead of foreclosing on their homes.  Call me crazy, but I go through life with a smile because I truly believe that some where, there is someone that needs to see it......For in my life, I was always taught to appreciate the good things, for some where there is someone that has it much worse than you do.............


  1. I can’t agree more. It’s so funny I just read your blog because I was just saying the same thing today to my mother. She watches the news constantly and is always lecturing me on the bad in the world and what to watch out for, what NOT to wear, eat, places to go, situations to run from, people to run from. I mean I am naturally aware of bad situations, but as you said there is also good that I want to be aware of as well. Who wants to live their life in fear? The media creates anxiety and unwanted stress. It’s one thing to be cautious and it’s another to be obsessive. As the news instills fear in its viewers. The media is too dramatic; however is this their way of gaining viewers? Maybe, I think there should be an equal balance of good and bad news stories for the world to intake. The media can be very bias towards life and your blog is a good example of how it only sees’s the bad in life.

  2. Thank you Francesca! I like your comment "who wants to live their life in fear." That is a question I ask myself all the time. The media, although we watch it and are consumed by it at times has funny ways of sucking you in and making "their drama" your drama. I think you are right on with needing a balance, a little good to counteract all of the bad.
