Thursday, May 26, 2011


Ok, so I am all for that fiction book that is full of all the things we know dont actually happen, or could happen but didnt.  However.......TABLOIDS???  I never understood how people are constantly drawn to magazines like "The National Enquirer" "People", and "Star".  I mean sure they are appealing at first glance, but the people reading them have got to know that most of what is in those magazines isn't true...RIGHT.....Wrong... I believe the media does such a great job of luring us with their images and "loud" captions that we as humans are sometimes left saying "Oh my goodness, did "so and so" really do "such and such?"  We live in a day and age where it takes everything we have to raise our children right, teach them not to believe rumors, and hear say and to walk away from troubling situations with their heads high.  Yet, as they are sitting in the carriages while we grocery shop, the last image they have is mommy or daddy picking up "Life & Style" to catch the latest on what scandal, weight loss/gain or plastic surgery has occured recently.  Yes maybe they are too young at one point to really understand what it is that is being read but, the older they get the smarter they become.  I truly believe that the media has wonderul attributes, and that without them we would know so little about what is going on around the world.  However, do I feel as though creating tabloids is the best work they have ever done............not so much.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, before you judge me just know that I've never bought a tabloid, but six people back in a grocery check out line, yeah I've read through the enquirer. I mean I know most of it is made up but that's kind of the fun part, although the enquirer did break the story on John Edwards and his affair, so they're not always wrong. Though I don't think they should call themselves journalists if they have to pay people to tell their stories, when you put money in the mix it tends to muddy everything.
